Sports Talk Programme

in conjunction with Limerick Sports Partnership


Teens Talk Programme teamed up with Limerick Sports Partnership to facilitate Sports Talk. Together, we facilitate workshops to meet the needs of young people in various locations around Limerick City and County.

Participants in these workshops get the opportunity to engage in sporting activities that they wouldn’t normally have had access to. These workshops are facilitated in the comfort of their familiar environment such as their school or club house. We provide the unique opportunity to learn how to maintain one’s mental health through sports and exercise as these workshops are both theoretically and experientially based.


Some of the issues addressed include:

Suicide Awareness

Stress & Anxiety



Dealing With Injury

Anger Management

Isolation in Individual Sports

Burn Out & Self Care

The Sports Talk program is an adapted version of the Teen Talking program, focused on the workshops facilitation side.

It would work great particularly in sports clubs, where Resolve can come in and run workshops of your choice.

This can enhance kids sports performance, socialisation skills, resilience and mental health.

If you feel this could work in your club, email your info below an we will come up with a bespoke plan to suit your club.